Terms and Conditions

All services provided by Country Touring are based on the terms and conditions highlighted below.


You (passenger) agree to pay the full fare quoted at time of booking.

Any additional modifications/detours made to the journey by the passenger will result in additional charges accordingly.

All prices are inclusive of a complimentary wait time of 20 minutes except airports which has a grace period of 60 minutes. If a driver has to wait beyond this, passengers shall be liable for additional wait/parking charges.

Any damages to the vehicle caused by passengers including leaving the vehicle in an unfit state will result in additional charges for cleaning/repair.

We reserve the right to refuse anyone who:

Is or appears to be overly intoxicated.

Is verbally or physically abusive towards any member of staff at Country Touring or any member of public.

Endangers the driver from his/her duties.

Anyone found breaking these conditions of carriage will have their journey terminated upon the nearest and safest stop, shall not be refunded for the remainder of the journey and may be prosecuted.

We shall endeavour to maintain our strong punctuality, however we strongly advise to all passengers to allow sufficient time for their journey taking into account factors which can impact travel times. Therefore:

Country Touring is not liable for journey delays caused by you or by other factors beyond our control I.e. Road traffic delays.

Under no circumstances is Country Touring liable for any loss of business, profits or any other consequential loss.